Tulip Antenna

Tulppaaniantenni -exhibition with Marja Ahti at K17, Sipoo 2022

Photos: Appu Jasu
Pinewood plank, cork, radish, eye rinse cup, found stone, coloured fabric, flower
Pinewood plank, cork, radish, eye rinse cup, found stone, coloured fabric, flower
Oakwood plank, found stone, eye rinse cup, cotton handkerchief, copper pipe, cotton fabric treated with wax, tactile transducer speaker, recording of water between hotplate and kettle, flower. Photo: XX
Oakwood plank, found stone, eye rinse cup, cotton handkerchief, copper pipe, cotton fabric treated with wax, tactile transducer speaker, recording of water between hotplate and kettle, flower.
Pinewood plank, beeswax, copper, bird feeding cup, tactile transducer speaker, recording of crackling in the outer wall of the K17 building, flower
Pinewood plank, beeswax, copper, bird feeding cup, tactile transducer speaker, recording of crackling in the outer wall of the K17 building, flower
Pinewood plank, beeswax, copper, bird feeding cup, tactile transducer speaker, recording of crackling in the outer wall of the K17 building, flower
Oakwood plank, metal bell, linen, paper, glass jar with rainwater and nicotine residue, tactile transducer speaker, treated recording of an organ built by Sholto Dobie, flower
Oakwood plank, metal bell, linen, paper, glass jar with rainwater and nicotine residue, tactile transducer speaker, treated recording of an organ built by Sholto Dobie, flower
Pinewood plank, beeswax, copper, found paper cup, cotton handkerchief, flower
Pinewood plank, beeswax, copper, found paper cup, cotton handkerchief, flower
Birch plywood, contact lens package, chestnut, plastic envelope, decorative bell, tactile transducer speaker, recording of breath in plastic shakuhachi flute, flower
Birch plywood, contact lens package, chestnut, plastic envelope, decorative bell, tactile transducer speaker, recording of breath in plastic shakuhachi flute, flower
Heating carpet, pinewood plank, handmade antenna, copper, pine cone, tactile transducer speaker, recording of breath in broken trumpet, flower
Heating carpet, pinewood plank, handmade antenna, copper, pine cone, tactile transducer speaker, recording of breath in broken trumpet, flower
Oakwood plank, eye rinse cup, towel, honing stone, metal bell, foam, tactile transducer speaker, recording of slow variations on piano of Erik Satie’s “Ce que dit la petite princesse des tulipes”, Menus propos enfantins, 1913, flower

Materials: unheated building, tactile transducer speakers, pinewood plank, oakwood plank, pinewood plank, birch plywood, cork, flowers, stones, radishes, eye rinse cup, coloured fabrics, cotton handkerchiefs, copper pipe, cotton fabric treated with wax, tactile transducer speakers, beeswax, copper, bird feeding cup, flower, bitumen, hydrozincite crystal, metal bell, linen, paper, glass jar with rainwater and nicotine residue, beeswax, copper, found paper cup, contact lens package, chestnut, plastic envelope, decorative bell, heating carpet, pinewood plank, handmade antenna, copper, pine cone, honing stones, foam, towel

Recordings: water between hotplate and kettle, crackling in the outer wall of the K17 building, treated recording of an organ built by Sholto Dobie, breath in plastic shakuhachi flute, breath in broken trumpet, slow variations on piano of Erik Satie’s “Ce que dit la petite princesse des tulipes”

Notes for the Shy by Anna Tomi

Photos: Appu Jasu