A Party in the Parking Lot of Helsinki Ice Hall

Photo: James Prevett
Photo: James Prevett

A5 publication with 5 inserts, edition 100, 2021. Released as a part of Patsastellaan: Parties for Public Sculpture curated by James Prevett.

“This publication is a group exhibition that takes place in the parking lot of Helsinki Ice Hall. It forms part of the Patsastellaan: Parties for Public Sculpture project where artists are invited to throw a party for a public sculpture. The artists choose the sculpture, define the party and invite its guests.”

It began with a passing conversation in a public sauna about public sculpture in Helsinki. Mikko Kuorinki’s fascination with Kalle Räike’s Bas Relief / Kohokuva led James Prevett to invite Mikko to make a Party for a Public Sculpture for it. This started the process ending with this thing you have in your hands. It could be described as a party for a public sculpture in the form of a group exhibition, exhibited in the form of a publication. This difficult to define object seems apt for a sculpture with little information about it and what it actually is. We gained almost nothing from our research in the archives (Architecture / Helsinki / Public Art) and what we found concerned the Icehall / Jäähalli and only mentions the sculpture as a side note. What we are left with is the fact that the sculpture is designed by the architect Räike for his own building (Jäähalli), and that it currently overlooks a parking lot with a Drive-Through restaurant cabin placed in front of it.

The exhibition / booklet was convened by Mikko Kuorinki for the Patsastellaan: Parties for Public Sculpture project. It features Eeva-Maija Pulkkinen, Tuukka Kaila, Maarit Mustonen, sidony o’neal, Anna Tomi and James & Lempi Prevett.


sticky note
Tuukka Kaila / Superposition / risography on sticky note

Eeva-Maija Pulkkinen / Lookout view usually the sleepy front facade die out (public sculpture) / drawing

small piece of paper
Maarit Mustonen / /( / English translation by Eve Lahikainen

sidony o’neal / DRIGARDEN / acrylic, tile, stainless steel, dimensions variable

James & Lempi Prevett / Sculpture for Sculpture / cardboard tubes, cardboard, plastic food containers, tape, paint, wood, 38 x 24 x 24 cm